
A history of interdisciplinary learning

Health sciences students are encouraged to explore new and varied academic collaborations at IU Bloomington. Some may explore links to journalism, business, law, or liberal arts, while others bridge disciplines across health sciences fields.

Our commitment to Interprofessional Education (IPE)

IPE trains health science students to work collaboratively across different fields of study. Placing nursing students in a simulated scenario with social work and medical students is a typical example of an interprofessional team. This builds their understanding of what collaborative practice is and how they can be productive while providing team care once they enter the workplace.

Singular professions cannot always meet the complex needs of patients. A collaborative team of caregivers from across professions is better able to diagnose patients and work with them to create comprehensive health plans. IPE teaches future health and social care professionals that the patient is part of the team.

Engaged learning, hands-on experience

IU students have ample opportunities for residential experience and one-on-one faculty interactions through practical and community-based, clinical learning opportunities across the health sciences at IU Bloomington.

Top-ranked health science programs at IU Bloomington

  • Speech-language pathology - #10
  • Audiology - #14
  • Clinical psychology - #10


An instruct helps a technician look into a patient's ear
A technician looks at a live image of a patient's vocal cords
An instructor shows students how to use maternity equipment

Student organizations and involvement

IU Bloomington is home to hundreds of academic and professional student organizations, including opportunities to engage in Interprofessional Education (IPE). The Interprofessional Student Collaborative (ISC) was founded to provide meaningful ways for students from all the programs within the Health Sciences Building to work together.

Facilitated by Dr. Barbara Maxwell, Associate Dean, and Director of the IU Interprofessional Practice and Education Center, members of the ISC work with the Health Science Center's directors on shared ideas for the building and facilities. They also share service-learning opportunities across programs and build collaborative interprofessional community engagement projects.